NRL22 Match
Oakdale Gun Club 10386 10th Street N., Lake Elmo, MN, United States100 yard range - all dates 200 meter range May [...]
High School Trap
Stillwater High School
Permit to Carry – Mr. Tousignant
Oakdale Gun Club 10386 10th Street N., Lake Elmo, MN, United StatesTom Tousignant NRA / IFIA Certified Instructor 651-731-9724 Sunday [...]
High School Trap
Hill Murrary High School
High School Trap
Hudson High School
DNR Firearm Safety Course – Mr. Thomas
DNR Firearm Safety Course MAY 2,4,9,11,16,18 FROM 6:30-9:00 classroom Range [...]
Novice Trap
Want to learn to shoot trap or need pointers? Open [...]
High School Trap
Hudson High School
High School Trap
North St Paul
Bullseye Practice
Competition Range Kent Edwards