Remember to Check Event Calendar for Updates!

Remember to Check Event Calendar for Updates!

Remember to Check Event Calendar for Updates!

About the NRL 22 Rifle Event

The NRL22 is a division of the National Rifle League which is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the growth and education of precision rifle shooting.

  • NRL22 provides a monthly Course of Fire that includes 5 stages.
  • These stages utilize a variety of props and barricades to shoot at targets ranging from 35 yards to 100 yards with sizes from .25 inch to 6 inches.
  • All stages are 10-12 rounds fired in 2 minutes.
  • Matches at Oakdale will include 1-3 bonus stages each month and will require 100 rounds or less.
  • Scores are submitted to NRL22 each month, allowing shooters who are members of NRL22 to be scored nationally, and be included in monthly Course of Fire awards drawings.
  • Membership to NRL22 is not required to participate in matches but is required to be part of national scoring and drawings.