Remember to Check Event Calendar for Updates!


Mike Dougherty

Events are held on two Wednesdays per month from May through September from 5 pm to close.



Mike Dougherty


Mike Dougherty

About the IHMSA Silhouette Event


There are (3) basic handgun silhouette events conducted at Oakdale Gun Club. No matter which of the (3) is being participated in, there are specific equipment/gun rules that apply. But there is probably a gun category for just about any commercial or custom produced handgun. There are freestyle shooting positions and standing (offhand) positions available.

.22/rimfire is shot at distances of 25/50/75 and 100-yards. Field Pistol uses standard centerfire straight wall pistol/revolver cartridges and is shot standing only at distances of 25/50/75 and 100-yards. Big Bore uses centerfire ammunition, shot at distances of 50/100/150 and 200-meters.

The shooter is allowed to have a spotter watch for his hits and misses which makes it a great family shooting event. Mom or dad shoots first with the youngster spotting and then the youngster can shoot while mom or dad do the spotting!

Matches are usually held on a Saturday, with State Championships held on a Friday and Saturday. Plan on shooting 40-rounds for each entry. An entry has you shooting 10-rounds at each the chicken, pig, turkey and the ram. A shooter can probably get 3-4 entries in on a given Saturday. You’ll meet lots of interesting people and most will fall over themselves helping a new shooter get started.